Mixing business with politics is never a smooth move

Trump’s plans for hotel expansion brings added attention

Scion will be the name of the new and first ever hotel chain owned but not branded with the Trump name. The new hotels will be ultra-modern and will offer rooms between $200- $300 a night.

The Trump family’s business interests are being run by President Trump’s sons, Eric and Donald Jr. while he is in the Oval Office.

With the first location expected to open in Dallas and with funding being arranged using local, U.S. based real estate developers.

The Trump family business has been under scrutiny since there are ethical concerns over a sitting president having business interests in the public sector.

For one, companies and investors looking to get in on the project would have eyes on them for any misguided attempts to incur favor from the current administration by getting involved in the project.

Also, non-Trump local governments and organizations have already vowed to make it difficult for these hotels to be in their areas.

Trump Hotels CEO Eric Danziger does not feel that these concerns will be much of a factor. He was quoted as saying that it would make no sense for a local government to try to halt or delay a project that will bring revenue to their municipality.

Looking past politics, the Trump hotel brand faces regular competition disadvantages. The brand is a small portion of the large hotel marketplace which is dominated by chains such as Marriott, Hilton, and others.

Business success will be a challenge and time will tell if business and politics can mix well together.